SATYAM 2.5 Inch Disc Filter Flow Rate 32-48(m3/hr) Used for the Separation & Holding of Dirt in an Irrigation System

₹ 3036/Per Piece
The given price is approximate, which may vary depending on the terms and condition of the sale.
1 Piece
GF/7-8, TRIMURTI AVENUE, SAHKARI JIN,, , Himatnagar, Sabar Kantha, Gujarat


2.5 Inch( 75mm) T - Type Disc Filter is very useful device to prevent passage of sand, debris & such particles to sanitary fixtures. It helps in filtration of debris & impurities which gets collected in the overhead tank. As almost no part replacement required. so, it's free from external maintenance. The filters are made from special chemically bonded polymer which are weather resistant. Filters are manufactured out of specialized plastic, which is tailor made for this product.

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