Akarsh ME Gel Lure for Fruit Fly (1)
Akarsh ME Gel Lure for Fruit Fly (1)

Akarsh ME Gel Lure for Fruit Fly (1)

Akarsh ME is a slow and sustained release technology developed with patented CREMIT technology for the management of fruit flies in Mango, Guava, Banana and other Fruit crops. It is a natural and eco-friendly solution that can be used in organic farming.

About This Item

  • TARGET SPECIES Oriental Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis), Peach Fruit Fly (B. zonata), Guava Fruit fly (B. correcta), Carambola Fruit Fly (B. carambolae) etc.
  • CROPS Mango, Guava, Banana, Papaya, Dragon Fruit, Custard apple & other fruit crops
  • COMPOSITION Methyl eugenol and other proprietary blend of male and female attractants
  • DIRECTIONS FOR USAGE Add 7.5 - 10 ml (per 250 g) of any approved insecticide (Spinosad 45% SC / Fipronil 5% SC) and mix well with AKARSH ME (250 g) to kill the attracted flies. Apply one dollop (1-2 g) on stem/branch on lower side of branches @ 1-4 spots per tree depending on the canopy Apply at every 30 days for effective management, if the insect population is more. Akarsh ME is effective in attracting both male and female fruit flies.

  • 0.1 Kilograms
  • Akarsh ME
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