Chick to Hen

₹ 810/Per Liter
The given price is approximate, which may vary depending on the terms and condition of the sale.
1 Liter
Green Planat Bio Products - Prashant Agro Agency, Borgaon, Sangli, , , ,


To promote optimal health and performance in hens, nutritionally balanced meals are essential. For poultry, all known vitamins are required. Minerals are also necessary for the health and well-being of poultry. Deficits in vitamins and minerals can cause a variety of health issues in hens, including decreased egg production, weakness, thin shelled eggs, blood clotting, lack of appetite, bowed legs, and frailty. The following are some of the key advantages of the vitamins and minerals included in CHICK TO HEN: L. Lysine: Helps to enhance the weight and mortality rate of breast meat. Calcium and phosphorus: increased the quality of egg shells and bone strength. Potassium, sodium, and chlorine :are essential for maintaining acid-base balance and electrolyte balance in the body. Magnesium (Mg) :is a mineral that is essential for cellular metabolism and bone development. Iron and copper: Require to transport oxygen. Manganese: is a mineral that aids in the proper hatching of eggs. Sele

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