
₹ 1270/Per Liter
The given price is approximate, which may vary depending on the terms and condition of the sale.
1 Liter
Green Planat Bio Products - Prashant Agro Agency, Borgaon, Sangli, , , ,


Plant stress can be defined as negative reaction to unfavourable environmental or climatic conditions, such as a lack of nutrients, insufficient irrigation, flooding, extreme heat or cold, illness, or insect infestation. There are two sorts of stresses: biotic and abiotic. Abiotic stressors are induced by environmental factors such as water (drought or flooding), temperature (high or low temperature), light (photoinhibition or UV damage), and toxic chemicals in the soil (salinity, alkalinity, heavy metal contamination, insecticide, herbicide, and fungicide). According to published research, biotic and abiotic stress can impair output by 65-87 percent. In response to these obstacles in the Indian agricultural era, Green Planet has developed a new solution based on European technology to battle plant strains, dubbed "Power Plant Stress Out. PPSO is a cutting-edge formulation based on European technology that helps plants cope with stress in unfavourable environments. It's based on modern

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